You are obviously aware of the fact that adults will still remain children for parents as that is the way it has always been. Yet, one of the aspects which characterizes a person as an adult is their ability to be independent. In other words, the person is able to take care of themselves and to earn enough money to do that. Obviously, there are lots of factors which are relevant to such issue as independence. What is more, it is also important to discuss the period of time at which it is appropriate to consider the person to be

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Adult children and independence essay sample

Adult children and independence

You are obviously aware of the fact that adults will still remain children for parents as that is the way it has always been. Yet, one of the aspects which characterizes a person as an adult is their ability to be independent. In other words, the person is able to take care of themselves and to earn enough money to do that.

Obviously, there are lots of factors which are relevant to such issue as independence. What is more, it is also important to discuss the period of time at which it is appropriate to consider the person to be an adult. Well, the latter is not that easy to determine as it may seem. In addition, it is significant to take into account cultural differences as the notion of independence quite often differs depending on each particular country.

Anyway, you should not forget that you can always take a look at all necessary information regarding this subject as well as learn more about the topic in general as soon as you proceed to …