Just like in the case with video games and social media, digital advancements gradually substitute interaction in the real world. Being the most fascinating invention of developers so far, virtual reality is going to sweep the real reality away for some people. Some gamers are already far from the real life for most of their time, and a broad spread of virtual reality can only exacerbate the state of events. Nevertheless, virtual reality is just an image, though a very realistic one, which cannot fully substitute a real-life experience. A central advantage of virtual reality is the strong resemblance

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Can virtual reality substitute an actual reality? essay sample

Can virtual reality substitute an actual reality? essay sample 

Just like in the case with video games and social media, digital advancements gradually substitute interaction in the real world. Being the most fascinating invention of developers so far, virtual reality is going to sweep the real reality away for some people. Some gamers are already far from the real life for most of their time, and a broad spread of virtual reality can only exacerbate the state of events. Nevertheless, virtual reality is just an image, though a very realistic one, which cannot fully substitute a real-life experience.

A central advantage of virtual reality is the strong resemblance of a generated picture to the real world. The experience is so profound that the person can sort of access any far-away simply staying at home and using the headset. Imagine an Arctic landscape or ancient pyramids being here for you to explore them and enjoy the living. Perhaps, such “journeys” can take away all of our free time and the time we shall devote to other activities.

It seems that developers try really hard to make us preoccupied with the images we could only dream of. But still, climbing the Everest and visiting it’s top with VR glasses are different experiences. Visiting actual places, live events, getting to know local people, or engaging in some local activities brings satisfaction only if it is real. Using virtual reality, we can feel like in a movie, for example, a documentary about African tribes or a period movie about the Roman Empire. The image looks fantastic but we still realize that it is a fake. Many people would still prefer to visit actual places as it is not so much challenging these days.