What is necessary to mention regarding such subject as climate change is that the majority of people are not even concerned about this problem. The reason why that happens is that they do not see the actual impact of climate change on their everyday lives. As a result, they fail to understand that climate change is a very serious issue. The first aspect to take into consideration is that global warming has its negative impact on the health of our mankind, agriculture as well as the quality of our lives in general. The consequences may be severe unless we

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Climate change essay sample

  What is necessary to mention regarding such subject as climate change is that the majority of people are not even concerned about this problem. The reason why that happens is that they do not see the actual impact of climate change on their everyday lives. As a result, they fail to understand that climate change is a very serious issue. The first aspect to take into consideration is that global warming has its negative impact on the health of our mankind, agriculture as well as the quality of our lives in general. The consequences may be severe unless we

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Domestic violence essay sample

  We are all aware of the fact that domestic violence exists. The thing is that most of us have absolutely no idea what the person is going through when they experience domestic violence. Apart from physical abuse, domestic violence has a tremendous impact on the psychological state of a person. Those people who manage to tackle this problem usually require help from a psychologist in order to start living normal life again. Women become the victims of domestic violence more often than vice versa. What is necessary to highlight in this respect is that it is hard for a

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Suicide essay sample

  Obviously, the reason why people attempt suicide is quite difficult to comprehend for the rest of the people. The thing is that the brain of such person is quite different. Thus, it is not that simple to understand what they are going through. One of the reasons why some people attend suicide is because they are depressed. The thing is that depression is accompanied by suffering which presupposes that at a certain point the person realizes that they can no gvlonger take it. As a result, they decide to commit suicide. Another characteristic of those people who think about

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ADHD essay sample

  The first thing to learn about this disorder is that ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Typically this disorder starts to develop during childhood and quite often continues through adulthood. Here are the most common symptoms children are likely to experience when they have ADHD. To begin with, such child gets easily distracted. As a result, they miss important details or forget a lot of things. What is more, children with ADHD find it difficult to focus on one thing. Thus, they may start doing a lot of things or projects at once and do not finish any

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Unemployment essay sample

  In most cases unemployment is viewed as something terrible because the person is out of work. Yet, there are lots of benefits for a person in a situation like that. To be more specific, unemployment can actually be a really great thing. The thing is that changing jobs is actually a great thing. In such a way, you will not be stuck in one place. What is more, you will try something new once in a while which is a really great thing. Apart from that, a person may decide to change jobs due to medical reasons. The thing

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