Dress code is one of those things which are quite often associated with the ways of controlling people. In other words, people are told what to wear to work and that is definitely not favorable for their productivity. Surely, there are several fields in which a person is expected to follow dress code rules as that is one of the ways in which it is possible to differentiate the employee from the client. Yet, in most cases dress code is completely unnecessary, especially for office employees who spend the majority of their time in front of a computer. To specify,

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Dress code is unnecessary for office employees essay sample

Dress code is unnecessary for office employees essay sample

Dress code is one of those things which are quite often associated with the ways of controlling people. In other words, people are told what to wear to work and that is definitely not favorable for their productivity. Surely, there are several fields in which a person is expected to follow dress code rules as that is one of the ways in which it is possible to differentiate the employee from the client.

Yet, in most cases dress code is completely unnecessary, especially for office employees who spend the majority of their time in front of a computer. To specify, designers, coders or copywriters definitely do not need any dress code as it will not have any effect on the quality of their work or productivity.

Having no dress code in the office presupposes that the company is progressive and free. In such a way, employees are able to express themselves which is the reason why they will also come up with tons of unconventional ideas. Employees in such companies do not feel that every single step is controlled which provides the opportunity to be free. Familiarize yourself with more information regarding this subject by going to …