In fact, it takes quite extraordinary people to push the technology forwards. They are neither superhumans nor genies, just enthusiasts with advanced skills and a large area for improvement. Creating new software and devices, they advance our life and also make us dependent on the recent technology. Can you imagine leaving your home without a cell phone or spending a day without a laptop? Indeed, we cannot do without devices that make our lives more comfortable and organized. But does it mean that we are only consumers in the process of utilizing technology? Although ordinary people neither create nor

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How do regular people influence the technological progress? essay sample

How do regular people influence the technological progress? essay sample 

In fact, it takes quite extraordinary people to push the technology forwards. They are neither superhumans nor genies, just enthusiasts with advanced skills and a large area for improvement. Creating new software and devices, they advance our life and also make us dependent on the recent technology. Can you imagine leaving your home without a cell phone or spending a day without a laptop? Indeed, we cannot do without devices that make our lives more comfortable and organized. But does it mean that we are only consumers in the process of utilizing technology?

Although ordinary people neither create nor modify technology, they make up the demand for every novelty entering the market. All of us, developers and housewives, have similar needs and can cater to them with the help of technology. Comfort and efficiency are generalized categories important to everyone, not only digital geeks and developers. Therefore, ordinary people in most cases give huge corporation clues on what technology shall come up next. Virtual Reality gradually takes on the gaming industry, and millions of ordinary gamers who inspired the advancement welcome this change today. Or imagine an average working city dweller who cannot devote enough time to washing up, cleaning, and cooking. The internet of things was designed to address their needs as well, and very soon household appliances will work around the house for us.

Technological progress is a complex process that happens because of the multiple influences. But the mass market is the primary trigger of innovation.