To begin with, it is important to figure out what involuntary commitment is. Thus, it is the process of placing people into a psychiatric ward without their consent. Obviously, such course of action may seem both harsh and inhumane. Yet, there are cases when it is necessary, otherwise the person might hurt themselves or even others. In addition, this is done so that to make sure that the person gets proper treatment. It is quite clear that laws regarding involuntary commitment differ from state to state and from country to country. Speaking about the United States of America, the maximum

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Involuntary commitment essay sample

Involuntary commitment

To begin with, it is important to figure out what involuntary commitment is. Thus, it is the process of placing people into a psychiatric ward without their consent. Obviously, such course of action may seem both harsh and inhumane. Yet, there are cases when it is necessary, otherwise the person might hurt themselves or even others. In addition, this is done so that to make sure that the person gets proper treatment.

It is quite clear that laws regarding involuntary commitment differ from state to state and from country to country. Speaking about the United States of America, the maximum time for involuntary commitment usually takes from three to five days. Perhaps, the main reason why so many people do not approve of involuntary commitment or are so strongly against it is because of the fact that a lot of people still believe in horror stories regarding the way in which people are treated in psychiatric clinics. Well, it is not true. Besides, the person is going to be placed in a psychiatric ward only when they pose threat to themselves and others. If you want to find out more about the topic of involuntary commitment, do not hesitate to proceed to …