The most important aspect to highlight regarding the issue of mental health is that a lot of young people these days are obsessed with their looks. To be more specific, they are convinced that they are supposed to look like those models on the covers of magazines. What these young people do not understand is that those pictures are photoshopped which presupposes that no one looks like that in real life. The problem is that a lot of young people have low self-esteem under the influence of mass media which promote the image of a thin and beautiful woman. As

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Is self-image becoming a mental health issue? Essay sample

Is self-image becoming a mental health issue?

The most important aspect to highlight regarding the issue of mental health is that a lot of young people these days are obsessed with their looks. To be more specific, they are convinced that they are supposed to look like those models on the covers of magazines. What these young people do not understand is that those pictures are photoshopped which presupposes that no one looks like that in real life.

The problem is that a lot of young people have low self-esteem under the influence of mass media which promote the image of a thin and beautiful woman. As a result, a lot of people are convinced that this is the way in which they are supposed to look so that to become successful.

It is time to start popularizing the idea that every body is beautiful no matter what the person looks like. The thing is that lots of people nowadays struggle with anxiety and depression because of low self-esteem. It is time to change that for the better. Want to find out more about the subject under consideration? Feel free to go to …