The first thing to comprehend is that there is a difference between panic disorders and anxiety disorders. A panic attack is the sudden overwhelming feeling on anxiety, fear and danger. An anxiety disorder is the feeling of being anxious which never goes away. Even though it is normal to feel anxious when the person is facing some challenging situation, being in such state all the time can be classified as a disorder. The signs of a panic attack include the following: shortness of breath, racing heart, chest pain, sweating, shaking, dizziness, nausea, hot or cold flashes and even the fear

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Panic disorder and anxiety essay sample

Panic disorder and anxiety essay sample

The first thing to comprehend is that there is a difference between panic disorders and anxiety disorders. A panic attack is the sudden overwhelming feeling on anxiety, fear and danger. An anxiety disorder is the feeling of being anxious which never goes away. Even though it is normal to feel anxious when the person is facing some challenging situation, being in such state all the time can be classified as a disorder.

The signs of a panic attack include the following: shortness of breath, racing heart, chest pain, sweating, shaking, dizziness, nausea, hot or cold flashes and even the fear of going crazy, dying or losing control. Speaking about the signs of anxiety attack, they include: constant tense feeling, anticipating the worst, restlessness, troubles with concentration, watching for signs of danger, fatigue, headaches, pounding heart, muscle tension and insomnia.

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