Perhaps, you are convinced that the American dream is a myth which has attracted so many people to this country. In other words, people believe that everything is possible in the United States of America. You can become anyone you want as soon as you work hard and never stop trying to reach your goal. Well, the good news is that the American dream is not a myth. It is real but it obviously takes a lot of time and effort for a person so that to get there. What is more, it might take even more effort than you

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The American dream isn’t dead essay sample

The American dream isn't dead essay sample

Perhaps, you are convinced that the American dream is a myth which has attracted so many people to this country. In other words, people believe that everything is possible in the United States of America. You can become anyone you want as soon as you work hard and never stop trying to reach your goal.

Well, the good news is that the American dream is not a myth. It is real but it obviously takes a lot of time and effort for a person so that to get there. What is more, it might take even more effort than you have expected. Be prepared to fail as it is likely to happen a lot.

There is no doubt that you will be required to come up with some examples so that to support your theoretical findings regarding the topic of the American dream. That is the reason why it is important for you to allocate some time so that to conduct proper research. In case you need assistance with that, do not forget that you can always familiarize yourself with all relevant resources at …