Half of the population believes that traveling by car is safer than traveling by plane. Probably, this is because of the fact that you remain on the ground when you drive a car. However, driving is actually more dangerous than flying and there are lots of statistic data to prove that theory. To be more specific, the data regarding the year of 2008 state that there have been 5 million car accidents compared to 20 flight accidents. The number itself is impressive, isn’t it? Yet, there is another aspect to take into consideration. When you are driving a car,

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The risks of a car accident are much higher than an airplane crash essay sample


The risks of a car accident are much higher than an airplane crash essay sample

Half of the population believes that traveling by car is safer than traveling by plane. Probably, this is because of the fact that you remain on the ground when you drive a car. However, driving is actually more dangerous than flying and there are lots of statistic data to prove that theory. To be more specific, the data regarding the year of 2008 state that there have been 5 million car accidents compared to 20 flight accidents. The number itself is impressive, isn’t it?

Yet, there is another aspect to take into consideration. When you are driving a car, you have more control. For instance, if you are an experienced and skillful driver, you might be able to avoid severe consequences. When you are flying, you have no opportunity to control the flight. Thus, you rely on the pilot. Besides, plane crashes are usually quite catastrophic which is the reason why they attract a lot of media attention. No one is going to report about every single car crash which happens all over the world almost every day. If you need more information, feel free to go to …