Even though it seems that we know what truth is, it still remains to be subjective. The thing is that truth may be different depending on the person we are talking about. Thus, it is possible to state that there are even different kinds of truths. Apart from that, a human being is a subjective creature which is the reason why they perceive reality through their own feelings and beliefs. It is very hard for an individual to remain objective even though we always strive to do that. What should also be mentioned is that this topic is rather philosophical

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There is no single truth because it is always subjective essay sample

There is no single truth because it is always subjective essay sample

Even though it seems that we know what truth is, it still remains to be subjective. The thing is that truth may be different depending on the person we are talking about. Thus, it is possible to state that there are even different kinds of truths.

Apart from that, a human being is a subjective creature which is the reason why they perceive reality through their own feelings and beliefs. It is very hard for an individual to remain objective even though we always strive to do that.

What should also be mentioned is that this topic is rather philosophical which is the reason why it is logical to allocate some time so that to familiarize yourself with additional materials on the subject. It might take a while but you will definitely get a clearer picture. In case you are not sure where to to take a look at all those resources, do not forget that you can always find everything you are searching for as soon as you proceed to …