Making plans and setting goals is something we try not to skip. Our life feels quite structured if we schedule everything properly and make some plans for the future. If we plan something today, there are much more chances that one day it will eventually come true. Acting on impulse can be dangerous in many ways and we shall better avoid any deviations if we can bear losses. Even if we do not plan anything dramatic, we can still benefit from making our expectations clear. Setting a goal, we take a certain direction in our life. Our boat does not

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What are the benefits of personal goal setting? essay sample

What are the benefits of personal goal setting? essay sample

Making plans and setting goals is something we try not to skip. Our life feels quite structured if we schedule everything properly and make some plans for the future. If we plan something today, there are much more chances that one day it will eventually come true. Acting on impulse can be dangerous in many ways and we shall better avoid any deviations if we can bear losses. Even if we do not plan anything dramatic, we can still benefit from making our expectations clear.

Setting a goal, we take a certain direction in our life. Our boat does not flow with the tide anymore, and we finally know what we want. Though wanting something definite seems not a hard task to accomplish, many people find this step incredibly difficult to make. People who do not know what to want either live a perfect life or cannot cope with the dull routine that entirely swallowed them.

Planning for future may help us to boost our motivation in critical moments. When we are devastated and think that there are no activities that can possibly lift our spirits, we shall take a look at the list of goals we made before. Reminding ourselves that we wanted to gain a promotion, make a fresh start in a new field, or create a beautiful garden beside the house, we can stop moping and get back to work. Our dreams may be far from coming true, but we shall dream them at the very least and make some efforts to come closer to these goals.