More than just art or science, architecture is a mix of trends, ideas, formulas, and principles discovered by generations of scientists and engineers. We have gone a long way from stocking bricks and stones to using concrete, metal, and glass in our houses. We learned that it is difficult to keep buildings intact where tectonic plates collide or slide. It is also a common knowledge that materials have some sustainability and energy efficiency, which greatly influences the choice before the construction begins. These are scientific backgrounds we cannot ignore. But we also know that architecture is a form of self-expression.

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What is architecture from an artistic, philosophical and scientific perspective? essay sample

What is architecture from an artistic, philosophical and scientific perspective? essay sample

More than just art or science, architecture is a mix of trends, ideas, formulas, and principles discovered by generations of scientists and engineers. We have gone a long way from stocking bricks and stones to using concrete, metal, and glass in our houses. We learned that it is difficult to keep buildings intact where tectonic plates collide or slide. It is also a common knowledge that materials have some sustainability and energy efficiency, which greatly influences the choice before the construction begins. These are scientific backgrounds we cannot ignore.

But we also know that architecture is a form of self-expression. Some people can paint a picture or create a sculpture, while some other people can release their imagination in pompous skyscrapers or revolutionary vertical forests. Some architects are inspired by works of art and the others – by perfect geometrical objects. They project this inspiration into the construction making it beautiful and practical at the same time. Among other qualities, the aesthetic value of architecture is huge. Whether it is the Forbidden City temple in China or the Empire State Building in New York, all valued architectural objects have a unique design and simply look beautiful to passersby.

The philosophy of architecture is also the philosophy of art. To philosophers, buildings have a similar value as monuments, paintings, and other cultural heritage. Just like other works of art, constructions are built around some concept that may pinpoint at some social issues. Between the concept and the form, there is also some idea. Like other artists, architects convey messages with shapes and materials.