It is rather inappropriate to measure the monetary value of culture. Unless you sell a piece of art at the auction or run an opera theater, items of culture will hardly make a person rich. At least, so believe the parents who are afraid of their children taking more interest in drama classes than in math. But in fact, leisure industries make profit for artists and actors working within even though they shall work super hard to declare their talent. Funding arts is as important as funding education or exploration of space. Large museums, exhibition centers, theaters, and concert halls

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Why is it important to fund the cultural field? essay sample

It is rather inappropriate to measure the monetary value of culture. Unless you sell a piece of art at the auction or run an opera theater, items of culture will hardly make a person rich. At least, so believe the parents who are afraid of their children taking more interest in drama classes than in math. But in fact, leisure industries make profit for artists and actors working within even though they shall work super hard to declare their talent. Funding arts is as important as funding education or exploration of space. Large museums, exhibition centers, theaters, and concert halls

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Best ways to support local markets essay sample

Local food systems are on the rise these days. While supermarket shelves are full of food that does not rot for days, consumers pay more attention to farmers’ products grown without pesticides. The credibility of local farmers rises fast in the era of GMO as healthy eaters cannot rely on food supplied by huge agricultural businesses. People always want to choose what is best for them, and local farmers once again meet the demand of picky eaters. Nevertheless, we cannot say that local farmers thrive at the moment. They still need a greater support of consumers to cover losses that

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Why do we have so many digital nomads nowadays? essay sample

A digital nomad is a recently coined term, and many people still do not know who these people are. The generation of pro-active and positive people entered the job market and suddenly changed most traditional patterns of employment. They dismiss a 9-to-5 working schedule and stiff offices. They are freelance specialists who are not restricted by any formalities of the 20th century. The digital age changed views on traveling, accommodation, and employment. Going abroad is not a novelty; living in exotic countries is not a waste of time. Nomads of the digital era have nothing in common with landless peasants

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How is technology changing the way we live? essay sample

  We live in the digital world, and it means more than just staring at our screens days and nights. We also take advantage of the latest techniques created to make our life easier and more comfortable. It would be hard to find a single area unaffected by technology – smart devices and advanced systems follow every our step. To start with education, it became much more accessible with online courses and college programs for remote studying. The Internet contains practically everything a 21st-century student may need. Except for video materials, tests, quizzes, and blogs, online educational programs provide experienced

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Is it better to live in one place your entire life than to live in several different places? essay sample

According to the recent statistics, an average American moves in and out approximately 11 times during their lifetime. Nevertheless, not all people appreciate living in the constant mode of moving in and out. As we get older, moving gets more challenging both emotionally and physically. Besides, our home is where our heart is, and a multiple change of neighborhoods would not bring us a better sensation of homeliness than the one of our childhood. But we accustomed to pursue our dreams, make new beginnings, or simply escape from toxic neighborhoods whenever we want it. That is why people pack and

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