Essay Samples - Page 43
Sleeping disorders essay sample
There is no doubt that a lot of people have problems sleeping. The thing is that not all of them want to acknowledge that they have a problem. What is more, some of them want to believe that these sleeping disorders are temporary. Thus, they are going to go away quite soon. The problem is that a sleeping disorder may so serious that the person might require special treatment. Frequent nightmares are considered to be abnormal sleep disorders. Sleep walking is also a disorder and you are probably familiar with this one. It can be treated but it takes time
Plastic surgery dangers essay sample
When the issue under consideration is plastic surgery dangers, the first aspect to mention is that there is no guarantee that the patient is going to look exactly the way they want to look like. A lot of things can go wrong. Among other dangers of plastic surgery are the following: the first one is infection. The thing is that you may get some sort of infection during this process and there is no way you can control the situation. Another scary thing is nerve damage. Plastic surgery is a complex operation which is the reason why it is not
Obsessive-compulsive disorders essay sample
The first thought that pops up in one’s head when they hear about OCD is as follows: perhaps, it has something to do with the obsessive desire to clean their hands or the repetition of the same action for several times. What is necessary to understand is that the desire to clean one’s hands for several times in a row is not always a sign of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. What is more, not all people who have this disorder are so focused on doing some repetitive actions. Here are a few of those symptoms with the help of which an
Domestic abuse essay sample
You are aware of the fact that domestic abuse is a topical issue. What is more, you may have already read a lot about this problem. The reason why it is so difficult to deal with is because of the fact that only a few people are brave enough to take about domestic abuse in public. When we talk about domestic abuse, two aspects are to be taken into account: child abuse and romantic partner/wife abuse. The situation is even worse with children as they cannot protect themselves. What is more, it is much harder for them to ask for
Caffeine effects on health essay sample
The issue of caffeine effects on heath is not new. However, we tend to forget that drinking too much coffee can be quite dangerous for our health. The first thing to take into account is the fact that a person may experience sleep troubles when they drink a lot of coffee or beverages which contain caffeine. What is interesting to know is that caffeine stimulates our central nervous system. Apart from that, caffeine may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat as well as lots of other symptoms. In addition, a person is more likely to get really irritable when