Polluting the atmosphere is a routine task of humans. Even if we do not drive a car every day and use some public transport instead, we often forget to turn off the lights when not necessary or use a variety of sprays around the house. These and many more innocent-looking activities gradually contribute to the vast industrial pollution or destruction of the ozone layer.  Though we cannot prevent huge plants from functioning and dispose of all petroleum-driven cars in the world, we can make a few simple steps that would not cost us anything. Instead, they would help us to

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Effective ways of reducing air pollution essay sample

Effective ways of reducing air pollution essay sample

Polluting the atmosphere is a routine task of humans. Even if we do not drive a car every day and use some public transport instead, we often forget to turn off the lights when not necessary or use a variety of sprays around the house. These and many more innocent-looking activities gradually contribute to the vast industrial pollution or destruction of the ozone layer.  Though we cannot prevent huge plants from functioning and dispose of all petroleum-driven cars in the world, we can make a few simple steps that would not cost us anything. Instead, they would help us to reduce our energy consumption and ease the tension on gross energy suppliers.

Addressing air pollution, we shall pay closer attention to our vehicles in the first place. Keeping an automobile well-maintained, we can extend its functioning for the next owners (if we plan to buy a new one in a couple of years) and prevent leaks and breakdowns. It is better to drive occasionally or share a trip with colleagues. It is also important to buy the latest energy-efficient vehicles rather than old and cheap ones.

Taking care of the environment, we shall adopt a few healthy habits for running a household. Switch off the light in an empty room; run a dishwasher and a clothes washer only when they are full. It is always worth installing LED light bulbs and buying eco-friendly supplies to cut energy consumption on routine choirs. We shall also take a good care of chemicals stored in the house. It is essential to keep them tightly sealed in a cold dark place where they cannot spill or evaporate.