Observing different people and their communication styles, we can conclude that extroverts have excellent interpersonal skills. Open to communication, they create an inviting atmosphere in the team by asking questions and clarifying critical points. The majority of American executives polled by USA Today believe that introverts are inappropriate for leadership as managerial positions require a lot of interaction. But a thorough analysis and listening skills are not less important to produce great results. As marketing gradually changes, some executives expect aggressive and persistent leaders to lose their influence due to smart digital sales systems. At this place, they expect introverts

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Extroverts are better leaders than introverts essay sample

Extroverts, Introverts. Essay sample

Observing different people and their communication styles, we can conclude that extroverts have excellent interpersonal skills. Open to communication, they create an inviting atmosphere in the team by asking questions and clarifying critical points. The majority of American executives polled by USA Today believe that introverts are inappropriate for leadership as managerial positions require a lot of interaction. But a thorough analysis and listening skills are not less important to produce great results. As marketing gradually changes, some executives expect aggressive and persistent leaders to lose their influence due to smart digital sales systems. At this place, they expect introverts to become better leaders capable of organizing people.

Taking a closer look at extroverts, we will see that they create a super-productive environment only in case their subordinates look for directions from above. In such groups, leaders can organize others precisely as they plan. But it does not work for groups with proactive employees seeking innovation. In many businesses, you cannot give orders just because you are a leader, and it is especially acute in the environment with multiple informal leaders. Proactive followers get on better with introverted managers who leave some place for everyone else to be a little leader.

Apparently, “introverted” does not necessarily mean “isolated” or “reserved”. Many not-so-outspoken individuals are perfect at hearing and understanding problems within their groups. They can make a thorough analysis and find the perfect solution. Introverts also tend to make more innovative decisions because they transcend the popular notion of a typical leader. Certainly, we shall choose the best leader coming out of skills and demands of the whole group. But introverted specialists shall not be excluded from the selection.