Despite the solid evidence that the average temperature on Earth has risen over the past century, climate change still remains a debate. Some radical scientific minds deny the fact that Earth is warming faster than ever, however, their point makes little sense. Proponents of climate change also argue that greenhouse gases caused by human activities are direct contributors to climate change. This is where the actual argument begins. Opponents of the debate claim that human-produced CO2 is insufficient and cannot potentially cause global warming.   As for 2010, 1,000 scientists disagreed that humans were primarily responsible for climate

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What reasons do deniers of global warming give to support their position? Essay sample

    Despite the solid evidence that the average temperature on Earth has risen over the past century, climate change still remains a debate. Some radical scientific minds deny the fact that Earth is warming faster than ever, however, their point makes little sense. Proponents of climate change also argue that greenhouse gases caused by human activities are direct contributors to climate change. This is where the actual argument begins. Opponents of the debate claim that human-produced CO2 is insufficient and cannot potentially cause global warming.   As for 2010, 1,000 scientists disagreed that humans were primarily responsible for climate

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What are the current trends in research about helping people break out of addictive behaviors? Essay sample

      One does not need drugs to develop an addiction. A person with obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior is technically addicted to thinking and acting in an undesirable way. Compulsive behavior is a basis for every kind of addiction, and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is often a key condition to combating addiction. OCD is directly linked to the underproduction of serotonin. Trying to compensate for the lack of this neurotransmitter we intentionally or unintentionally reach for addictive substances.   Breaking out an addiction is like breaking a habit, only more complicated. If we only need enough self-organization to

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How can looking at how the human brain functions help scientists create a better computer? Essay sample

    Creating artificial intelligence still remains one of the most challenging tasks for there is nothing as smart as the actual human brain. Artificial intelligence can be only a copy of the organ that generates all the brilliant ideas of the mankind. Computer scientists get inspired by the brain structure and its functions. We have more than 100 trillion neurons that give our brain an incredible power to differentiate and classify objects, learn, analyze, and generate new ideas. Scientists have not managed to put this great potential into a machine yet.   Mimicking human brain sounds okay for an

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The Girl with Bangs. Essay sample

  ‘The Girl with Bangs’ is a short story written by Zadie Smith. The plot of the story is as follows: the narrator is a lesbian who has a male fiance but is madly in love with a woman named Charlotte. The key aspect of the plot is that narrator is left alone as the story develops. What it means is that Charlotte does not love the narrator back even though it is hinted that she is bisexual. Instead, Charlotte and Maurice (the male fiance) end up together. What is more, they leave for Thailand while the narrator is left

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Analysis of Living Like Weasels. Essay sample

  ‘Living Like Weasels’ is an essay written by Annie Dillard. In it, the author dwells upon her encounter with a weasel. Thus, the author compares the way in which humans and weasels live their lives. In such a way, Annie Dillard emphasizes the fact that weasels in fact have more freedom than human beings even though weasels have to fight for survival on a daily basis while most humans are privileged to live by choice. Speaking about the theme of the essay, the idea is that people should follow their dreams and ambitions as well as do more of

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