Perhaps, you are familiar with such problem as water shortages which has become quite topical nowadays. When we waste water (for instance, not turning water off when we are brushing our teeth), we do not take into consideration the fact that 1 billion people in the developing countries do not have access to clean water. The life in a developing country is going to get much better as soon as they start having access to clean water. For example, children will be able to spend their time on studying at school rather than trying to get clean water. What
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Well, the topic of violence in schools is unfortunately rather topical these days. The problem is that teachers are quite often unable to do anything about it as they cannot control or supervise their students all the time. Apart from that, there is another aspect to take into consideration. The thing is that a lot of students are afraid to report that they have been abused either physically or psychologically. Abused students find it difficult to fit in as they are convinced that no one would like to be friends with them. This is the result of constant abuse.
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There is even no need to conduct a deep research so that to conclude that there is an abundance of violence in movies. The problem is that such scenes might have a horrific effect on children and young people who are watching these films. To be more specific, they are going to believe that it is completely appropriate to behave in such a way. What is more, it will be harder for them to tell right from wrong. What it all boils down to is that children and teenagers usually do not see criminals gets caught in films. Thus,
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Surely, you are aware of the fact that texting while driving increases the chances of getting into a car accident. However, the majority of people still continues to text believing that they will be able to do both things at a time. Even when the person is caught texting while driving, the punishment is not severe. The problem is that texting while driving may lead to some very unsatisfactory consequences. To be more specific, it may even result in the death of people. As you have already understood, that is the reason why it is so important to make
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The issue of self-image is very topical for teens as they are worried about the way they look as well was how they are perceived by their peers. The problem is that they are too obsessed with their looks. To be more specific, they are convinced that it is important for them to look like people on the covers of magazines which is the reason why a lot of teens starve themselves so that to be as thin as those models. The thing is that constant anxiety about someone’s looks might lead to depression or any other mental problem. That
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