Today teaching techniques have expanded beyond the traditional teacher-students mode. There are plenty of patterns of an innovatory teaching. They involve more teachers and machines to make traditional learning more effective. Take a team teaching, for example. A team of teachers works with a team of students. Each teacher may specialize in different subjects, which expands the overall specialization of the teaching group. A clear advantage of team teaching is a broad expertise of teachers. It is often impossible for one teacher to specialize in numerous aspects of the subject.   Distance education is a new and very

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The effects of contemporary teaching methods essay sample



Today teaching techniques have expanded beyond the traditional teacher-students mode. There are plenty of patterns of an innovatory teaching. They involve more teachers and machines to make traditional learning more effective. Take a team teaching, for example. A team of teachers works with a team of students. Each teacher may specialize in different subjects, which expands the overall specialization of the teaching group. A clear advantage of team teaching is a broad expertise of teachers. It is often impossible for one teacher to specialize in numerous aspects of the subject.


Distance education is a new and very popular teaching method. Its advantages are undeniable – a lower price of tuition and better accessibility of teaching materials. The quality though strongly depends on the curriculum and on the diligence of students. Programmed instruction learning also strongly involves computer programs. The material is represented in parts each of them followed by a test. Everything is done through a respective program. Teaching material in parts is also facilitated by mastery learning. Teachers provide favorable conditions for students who go on to more advanced tasks once they show proficiency with the current ones. Learning in parts is a highly-effective method as it allows students to memorize a lot of material.