In order to fully understand what Theater of Absurd is all about, you should take a look at its main characteristics. To begin with, life is considered to be meaningless which presupposes that it is also miserable. Reality is viewed as unbearable. Thus, the only possible way to survive in such reality is with the help of illusions and dreams. Man is viewed as that kind of person who is fascinated by death. There is no plot in the Theater of Absurd. There is no action as well. It is believed that nothing meaningful can happen which is

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Theater of the Absurd essay sample



In order to fully understand what Theater of Absurd is all about, you should take a look at its main characteristics. To begin with, life is considered to be meaningless which presupposes that it is also miserable. Reality is viewed as unbearable. Thus, the only possible way to survive in such reality is with the help of illusions and dreams. Man is viewed as that kind of person who is fascinated by death.

There is no plot in the Theater of Absurd. There is no action as well. It is believed that nothing meaningful can happen which is the reason why nothing usually happens in the theater of absurd. The final situation is definitely going to be either comic or absurd. What is also important to understand about absurd drama is that it will not solve any problem. It is not specific and not purposeful. The main idea of an absurd drama is not to convey any definite meaning which is the reason why it can be compared to an abstract paining. Feel free to come across more useful information here …