The work/life ratio is the perfect balance between work and personal life which everyone should aim to find. To be more specific, none of these aspects should be prevailing as work should be done and left at work. An employee is supposed to get some rest and recharge at home. However, you are surely aware of the fact that there is a problem with work/life ratio. To be more specific, the majority of people cannot find the perfect balance. As a result, they spend too much time at work. What is more, they either bring work home or continue

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Work/life ratio essay sample


The work/life ratio is the perfect balance between work and personal life which everyone should aim to find. To be more specific, none of these aspects should be prevailing as work should be done and left at work. An employee is supposed to get some rest and recharge at home.

However, you are surely aware of the fact that there is a problem with work/life ratio. To be more specific, the majority of people cannot find the perfect balance. As a result, they spend too much time at work. What is more, they either bring work home or continue checking their email as well as doing some tasks at home.

The reason why it is not such a good thing is as follows: it is possible to burn out really quickly. You will not be able to come up with new ideas which is definitely going to have a negative influence on your job performance. Want to find out more regarding the subject of work/life balance? Need a detailed research? Feel free to proceed to …