Essay Samples - Page 123
How can team sports affect social abilities? essay sample
Team sports get a lot of attention lately as parents are especially anxious about social skills of their children. Leadership, competition, and the ability to get on well with others are a basis for a future success of teenagers. An advent of social media made everything to prevent live communication in groups of teens. Therefore, parents started to pay more attention to socialization besides academic performance. Team sports allow to train one’s interpersonal skills and exercise at the same time, which makes them so appealing. Letting children play basketball, rugby, or even soccer, parents feel more confident themselves as they
How do social media influence interpersonal communication? essay sample
Interpersonal communication always referred to a face-to-face interaction in which people interchanged their verbal and non-verbal language. Today interpersonal interaction transferred to the entirely new level – online communication. While psychologists argue whether the change is positive or negative, we keep on chatting and sending messages. Many people would say, that such a new mode of communication is more comfortable and convenient for them. It allows exchanging both meaningful and “empty” information with a single person or an entire group anytime when people need it. Despite the common belief, social media did not make us less social. Our society just
Anorexia and obesity – two sides to one story essay sample
Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are referred to as eating disorders because dietary habits of patients certainly stand out of normal food consumption patterns. Obese people, on the other hand, do not manifest troublesome eating habits. They may consume larger portions of food, but they eat rather regularly and enjoy their meals. Nevertheless, obesity is just as unfortunate as anorexia, because in both cases, eaters lose control over their body. Just like anorexia, obesity often results from one’s personal choices and preferences. But unlike eating disorders, obesity is neither a habit nor a flaw. It is a consequence of unhealthy
How do fats positively affect human body and mind? essay sample
Body fat is usually associated with cholesterol, obesity, or diabetes. But it does not matter how hard we try to avoid consuming food rich in cholesterol, the substance is still produced in a human body in the first place, to restore cellular membranes and produce a range of hormones. Similarly, body fat is produced and stored in the organism to break down and release energy for all muscles in the body. Skeletal and cardiac muscles cannot work properly if one’s diet is completely refined of fats. Besides muscular activity, body fat is responsible for the digestion of fat soluble vitamins
Are there effective ways to prevent cancer? essay sample
Cancerous cells develop fast and kill normal cells in the body. During this process, gene mutations cause multiple DNA errors and stimulate the “wrong” cells to grow uncontrollably. That is how cancer works, but we have little information on what particularly causes such a major cellular breakdown. Some of the substances that we stay contact with are considered carcinogenic; some external factors, such as solar radiation or viruses, are also likely to increase one’s chances to develop the mutation, but for the rest, triggers of cancer are uncertain. However, physicians advise a few basic steps to minimize the risk for