Essay Samples - Page 129
What are the steps that can be taken to achieve world peace? essay sample
As long as we have our own interests, beliefs, and possessions, we will stay involved in conflicts. Governments incapable of getting consensus refer to their armies and make their intentions clear. A war is inescapable where negotiations fail, and global leaders have not yet found the way to break this vicious circle. International conflicts often evolve from trade and economic relations. In the 21st century, human society is still dependent on natural resources that are not only scarce but also concentrated unevenly. Fighting for a land and what it contains is an ancient way to address the well-being of countries,
What are the benefits of personal goal setting? essay sample
Making plans and setting goals is something we try not to skip. Our life feels quite structured if we schedule everything properly and make some plans for the future. If we plan something today, there are much more chances that one day it will eventually come true. Acting on impulse can be dangerous in many ways and we shall better avoid any deviations if we can bear losses. Even if we do not plan anything dramatic, we can still benefit from making our expectations clear. Setting a goal, we take a certain direction in our life. Our boat does not
What are the benefits of knowing your family history? essay sample
Learning one’s family history may seem boring. Though many people may find it interesting and important to know. The life of our predecessors was so much different from the present-day reality, but it also might be a fascinating time that made an imprint on what we have today. What if one’s grand-grand-grandfather was a nobleman, artist, or a world-famous poet? Their descendants might follow in their footsteps and continue a good family tradition. Indeed, family history influences our life in many ways, and we shall better know it than stay in the dark. We frequently dream of being related
What are the benefits of gardening? essay sample
People living in calm suburban areas take a plenty of benefits from their neighborhoods. They can enjoy green rural scenery and inhale fresh air every day. Rural dwellers also can grow their own vegetables and at least partially supply themselves with products grown without chemicals. In fact, not all people enjoy gardening. Those who have little free time and a huge garden to take care of usually complain that they cannot devote much time to such an essential attribute as a garden. Nevertheless, many people genuinely like their garden and consider it the best relaxant they ever had. The first
Do sports stars have a responsibility to be good role models? Why or why not? essay sample
Like any other celebrities, athletes often become heroes to young (and not very young) people. In general, sports personalities are positive role models; they promote an altruistic mission, are truly enthusiastic about their sport, and most important, they earned their image with a hard work. But even such respectable start fall every now and then. Most scandals concentrate around performance-enhancing drugs although few athletes have been involved in family violence. At this point, the perception of sports fans must have crashed under the pressure of disappointment. But is it such a disaster if respectable athletes go the wrong way?