Essay Samples - Page 128
How do regular people influence the technological progress? essay sample
In fact, it takes quite extraordinary people to push the technology forwards. They are neither superhumans nor genies, just enthusiasts with advanced skills and a large area for improvement. Creating new software and devices, they advance our life and also make us dependent on the recent technology. Can you imagine leaving your home without a cell phone or spending a day without a laptop? Indeed, we cannot do without devices that make our lives more comfortable and organized. But does it mean that we are only consumers in the process of utilizing technology? Although ordinary people neither create nor
What technological innovations promise to change the third decade of the 21st century? essay sample
Recent technological innovations brought us self-driving vehicles and virtual reality that once were a fantasy of creative people. Cars powered by electricity and hydrogen are already in the streets making one’s journey absolutely safe and comfortable. We also started to use bitcoins and other online currencies to make payments online. But the technology develops in leaps and bounds, and we can face even more impressive novelties in the coming decade. The internet of things has already come to the market, but few households use a lot of smart devices at the moment. We are expecting more devices to get connected
How close did we get to the Artificial Intelligence? essay sample
Having observed a gigantic leap in technology development over the last 20 years, we expect smart robots and household devices to come in the next few years. Top digital companies promise us to complete the development of Artificial Intelligence by 2030. But despite the steady progress in robotics and the development of self-driven vehicles, we are still far from robots being in charge. Human intelligence seems too complex and advanced for scientists to copy it, at least at the current stage. Developers suppose we still have centuries to come to the AI as bright as human intelligence. In the first
Cyber security: can we really be safe? essay sample
Living in the digital world, we are especially prone to identity theft. Logins and passwords have proven to be a weak means of protecting personal data, and some types of our online accounts usually ask for additional authentication methods. But extra hurdles to access private accounts do not necessarily help. In the last few years, cyber criminals are active as never before, and cases of identity theft happen irrespective of the protection we use. The risk of a cyber theft is the price we pay for a quick and easy access to our money and data. Stealing possessions from
What is the government’s role in providing assistance to survivors of natural disasters? essay sample
Whether anticipated or not, natural disasters regularly happen in certain areas of the world. Storms, hurricanes, slides, and rainfalls cannot be eliminated however hard we tried to prevent them. But is it fair that people have no other way than to wait until the disaster strikes to be displaced or cover the losses? Certainly, human losses cannot be covered in any way. The damage done to the property or infrastructure often goes beyond the repair, and reviving a disaster-stricken area may be a waste of time and money. So, are we doomed to what nature prepared us? Addressing natural disasters