Athletes usually face challenges, and not all of them are associated with endurance or physical strength. Correct nutrition is the primary condition for keeping a perfect fit. We are what we eat, and athletes clearly understand this saying as they need more energy and power in their muscles than an average person. Going in for sports, some people consume more protein additives or sports drinks to stay strong and active. But the athlete’s diet is not as simple as that. Just like any average person, athletes frequently suffer from dehydration. Sports drinks cannot compensate for the fluid lost during workouts

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What challenges do sport nutritionists face with the athletes? essay sample

Athletes usually face challenges, and not all of them are associated with endurance or physical strength. Correct nutrition is the primary condition for keeping a perfect fit. We are what we eat, and athletes clearly understand this saying as they need more energy and power in their muscles than an average person. Going in for sports, some people consume more protein additives or sports drinks to stay strong and active. But the athlete’s diet is not as simple as that. Just like any average person, athletes frequently suffer from dehydration. Sports drinks cannot compensate for the fluid lost during workouts

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How can sports injuries be prevented in rugby? essay sample

Being one of the most popular sports in the US, rugby unites more than 80,000 players registered within USA Rugby. A quarter of them are children and juniors. Just like other contact sports, rugby is considered to be a traumatic sport, in the first place, because of collisions between players. Besides, fast running is the cause behind sprains of ankles and inflammations of joints in players. The first measure taken to prevent these injuries is wearing protective pads and shields. Just like in football, wearing a helmet with a gum shield is a must to a player. Shin pads protect

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How has sport evolved with technological advances? essay sample

Some spheres of society changed tremendously due to the impact of technology, among them business, retail, and most industries. Nevertheless, the technological influence on sports and education remains somehow concealed. Classrooms in public schools still lack digital devices, and performance in sports depends more on athletes and their mastery than on the equipment they use. However, technology certainly made sports safer, more available and popular than they used to be. To start with the most important part for athletes, new materials offer a better protection to players. Helmets became more lightweight and strong to eliminate injuries during the game. Football

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Does youth sport play a part in character formation? essay sample

  Despite the fact that famous athletes are constantly involved in scandals concerning violence or drug abuse, media keep highlighting team sports as a perfect activity for kids. They help teenagers and younger children to stay physically fit and build a strong character. Being a good team player gives one a credit in the workplace and helps coordinate relations with other people. But these benefits do not come automatically to kids playing on a school team. Taking advantage greatly depends on coaches, parents, and children themselves. It is true that football, basketball, rugby, soccer, and other team sports teach kids

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Can organic food exist without pesticides? essay sample

  In the early 2000s, the USDA issued regulations on organic food. The Department of Agriculture demanded that the raw materials in organic products were produced without the application of GMO, pesticides, growth hormones, toxic agents, and antibiotics. Theoretically, crops produced conventionally with the seasonal application of pesticides cannot be put in organic products but anyway the part of conventionally produced “organic” food keeps growing. Even if the final product has an admissible amount of chemicals, it still could have been produced with the use of pesticides. Despite the existing governmental regulations, more than 20 chemicals that include herbicides and

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