Attendance is a problem to students who have too many subjects on the schedule and a job after classes. In many schools, students are required to visit all classes to show their responsibility and work in the class. Such institutions though face the problem that students attend classes to earn a credit with their presence, not activity. Mandatory attendance does not make young people more interested or apt in subjects, nor it enhances their test scores or performance. All these factors depend on whether the student works hard or not. The only category of students who can benefit from strict

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Should university students be required to attend all their classes? essay sample

Should university students be required to attend all their classes? essay sample

Attendance is a problem to students who have too many subjects on the schedule and a job after classes. In many schools, students are required to visit all classes to show their responsibility and work in the class. Such institutions though face the problem that students attend classes to earn a credit with their presence, not activity. Mandatory attendance does not make young people more interested or apt in subjects, nor it enhances their test scores or performance. All these factors depend on whether the student works hard or not. The only category of students who can benefit from strict attendance rules is conscientious procrastinators. They are generally able to perform well but they often need a stimulus to stop procrastinating.

The principle of mandatory attendance is important at the point when children learn to discipline themselves and are not overloaded yet. Let us say, high school is not the right time to skip classes, but principals could make an exception for top activists. College students, on the contrary, shall not be told to attend all classes on the schedule. First, they are practically adults capable of making mature choices. And next, they have paid for their tuition and would not like to spend their money. Naturally, students would strive to make a maximum output, but still, attendance will depend on their energy and time-management skills.

No doubt, artificial stimulation of attendance seems outdated to many students. In times when young people are the first to realize the importance of tuition, teachers continue to dictate their rules. But students need more flexibility and a little freedom to make their own choices and be productive instead of wasting time.