Unlike high school, college is a place for very specific studying. Applying to the college of your dream, you have certainly chosen the occupation that will bring you satisfaction and financial security. But college curriculum is fully packed with a variety of subjects some of which seem unnecessary. But it does not mean that college is a waste of time. Finance studies, public speaking courses, and physical education are perfect subjects for every college student irrespective of their field specialization. Anyone who makes money is supposed to spend it, and personal finance will help students to make better decisions. Financial

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What are the 3 most important subjects that students should study in college to prepare them for the future? Why? essay sample

What are the 3 most important subjects that students should study in college to prepare them for the future? Why? essay sample

Unlike high school, college is a place for very specific studying. Applying to the college of your dream, you have certainly chosen the occupation that will bring you satisfaction and financial security. But college curriculum is fully packed with a variety of subjects some of which seem unnecessary. But it does not mean that college is a waste of time. Finance studies, public speaking courses, and physical education are perfect subjects for every college student irrespective of their field specialization.

Anyone who makes money is supposed to spend it, and personal finance will help students to make better decisions. Financial literacy of young people is rather poor these days as we look at the rate of credit card debt rising every day. Besides, young people must know basic principles of investing that is a common activity of a prosperous person.

Yet in high school, students are supposed to master skills of effective communication. Nevertheless, rather few of them can make their point and support it with the argumentation and speak confidently in public. Today students accustomed to online communication, and interacting with new people in the real life is a huge challenge. In the digital world, we need to practice more live communication and public speaking.

Enrolling into all the vital courses, students shall not forget about physical education. As a sedentary lifestyle is pressing even harder with every year, exercise shall be an inevitable daily activity. It would be nice to enroll in traditional college sports, a cheerleading team or take dancing classes if there are any on campus.