Well, everything is more or less clear with such issue as gaming addiction. Besides, there is a lot of information available on the internet together with some relevant examples. Speaking about internet addiction, this notion is relatively new. Basically, it means that the person spends too much time on the internet or cannot live even a few hours without it. The worst part about all that is that the person quite often does not even realize that they have an addiction. To be more specific, they are convinced that they are using the internet as everyone else. Internet addiction is

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Internet and gaming addiction essay sample

Well, everything is more or less clear with such issue as gaming addiction. Besides, there is a lot of information available on the internet together with some relevant examples. Speaking about internet addiction, this notion is relatively new. Basically, it means that the person spends too much time on the internet or cannot live even a few hours without it. The worst part about all that is that the person quite often does not even realize that they have an addiction. To be more specific, they are convinced that they are using the internet as everyone else. Internet addiction is

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Human population essay sample

Human population is the issue of great concern nowadays. The population of the Earth continues to grow which is the reason why we need to figure out how to make it possible to live comfortably on the planet. Apart from that, there is the food shortage problem which basically means that soon enough we will not have the required amount of food to feed everyone. It is the time of great challenges which also presupposes that some unconventional ideas are definitely going to be found. To be more specific, it is time to make rural areas more popular as the

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Habitat destruction essay sample

As you have already understood, habitat destruction presupposes that it is impossible for wildlife to survive there. As a result, it poses huge threats for the future of the whole planet. There are three main reasons why habitat destruction occurs. To begin with, it is important to mention the fact that deforestation has a huge impact on habitat destruction as forests is the home of lots of animals. In addition, habitat fragmentation is also an issue to be concerned about. To be more specific, a lot of land has been cut up into fragments so that to build roads or

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High school sports essay sample

It is important to discuss the issue of high school sports because team sports help students understand how to work in a team as well as learn why it is so significant for their future career. Apart from that, high school sports teach the person how to be competitive. Being competitive in a good way is a benefit. The person realizes how to achieve all their goals in a decent and honest way as well as learns what it takes to get better at what they do. The problem is that the issue of high schools sports does not get

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Life on Mars essay sample

There is no doubt that you have heard and read a lot about life on Mars. Well, it is important to highlight that these days we are closer to the possibility of living on Mars than ever before. In case you are really interested in the subject under consideration, there is a lot of useful information on the internet. What is more, you are going to familiarize yourself with the recent progress which has been made regarding the subject under consideration. The only thing which you should take into consideration is that it is going to take a lot of

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