To begin with, it is important to figure out what involuntary commitment is. Thus, it is the process of placing people into a psychiatric ward without their consent. Obviously, such course of action may seem both harsh and inhumane. Yet, there are cases when it is necessary, otherwise the person might hurt themselves or even others. In addition, this is done so that to make sure that the person gets proper treatment. It is quite clear that laws regarding involuntary commitment differ from state to state and from country to country. Speaking about the United States of America, the maximum

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Involuntary commitment essay sample

To begin with, it is important to figure out what involuntary commitment is. Thus, it is the process of placing people into a psychiatric ward without their consent. Obviously, such course of action may seem both harsh and inhumane. Yet, there are cases when it is necessary, otherwise the person might hurt themselves or even others. In addition, this is done so that to make sure that the person gets proper treatment. It is quite clear that laws regarding involuntary commitment differ from state to state and from country to country. Speaking about the United States of America, the maximum

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Insanity plea essay sample

The essence of insanity plea is that the person may be found not guilty by the reason of insanity in case it has been proven that they have been legally insane when committing a crime. There are cases when the defendant is found guilty but they get a less severe punishment because of their mental impairment. As you have already understood, it is significant to be able to prove to the court that the person is insane. In other words, it is necessary to show that the person did not understand what they were doing when committing a crime. Besides,

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Anti-depressants essay sample

You are obviously aware of the fact that anti-depressants are the most common way of treating depression. What is necessary to highlight is that taking medication is merely one of the available options for a person. To be more specific, there are other alternatives and there is a very high chance that they might be more effective. The main problem of medication for the majority of people is that anti-depressants create the so-called ‘false happiness’. In other words, the effect of feeling happy or feeling all right ends when the person stops taking medication. What one should also take into

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Animal testing essay sample

The biggest problem with animal testing is that it is quite often revealed that a lot of companies test their products on animals even though they publicly claim that they do not do that. You will easily come across all necessary evidence so that to support your theories as the internet is filled with such stories. Here are a few facts to take into consideration regarding the topic under consideration. To begin with, it is necessary to highlight the fact that 95% of those animals which are used in experiments are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act. Besides, nowadays

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Negative media influence essay sample

There is even no need to conduct a thorough research so that to come to the conclusion that there are lots of ways in which the media has a negative influence on the individual or the society in general. To begin with, the idea of a thin successful woman is usually promoted by the media which is the reason why teenage girls believe that this is the way in which they are supposed to look so that to achieve all their goals. The next aspect to mention is that the media quite often manipulates the information. In other words, they

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