What social exchange theory presupposes is that our social behavior is the result of the exchange process. Therefore, the purpose of such exchange is to try and maximize benefits as well as to minimize costs. To be more specific, the person is likely to weigh the benefits and costs of a social relationship. In case the risks of such relationship outweigh the advantages, the person is most definitely going to abandon the relationship with a person. Among the most common costs are such negative aspects as the need to put a lot of effort into the relationship, as well

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Exchange theory essay sample

  What social exchange theory presupposes is that our social behavior is the result of the exchange process. Therefore, the purpose of such exchange is to try and maximize benefits as well as to minimize costs. To be more specific, the person is likely to weigh the benefits and costs of a social relationship. In case the risks of such relationship outweigh the advantages, the person is most definitely going to abandon the relationship with a person. Among the most common costs are such negative aspects as the need to put a lot of effort into the relationship, as well

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Batterer typology essay sample

  In case you have not started researching the issue of batterer typology, you will learn that there are three main types of male batterers. There are batterers who abuse only their family; borderline batterers and generally violent or even antisocial types. What it necessary to highlight in this respect is that a lot of aspects are taken into consideration in order to define what type of a batterer a particular person is. Among those aspects are: the severity of violence, its frequency as well as personality disorders a person may suffer from. It is obvious that each type of

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Stalking essay sample

  There is no doubt that you are familiar with such issue as stalking. Apart from the fact that it is uncomfortable to know that someone is stalking you, it may also be dangerous. The thing is that your stalker may be not merely a shy admirer. It may be some sex offender or any other type of criminal which presupposes that your life may be in danger. The problem is that there is no way in which it is possible to predict the behavior of a stalker. Unfortunately, they are capable of attacking their victim, assaulting them sexually or

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Dating violence essay sample

  Dating violence is that kind of issue which is not discussed widely, especially by its victims. Well, the reason why that happens is obvious: women and men are ashamed. Apart from that, it is important to be serious about dating violence as those people who tend to act in such a way are usually the ones who abuse their partners later on. Perhaps, it is impossible to notice signs of abusive behavior when you have just started going out. The thing is that those partners who tend to show violence in their relationships do not express it right away.

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Battered wives essay sample

  When a woman is in an abusive relationship for a very long period of time, she often starts to develop the bettered person syndrome. What it presupposes is that she begins to believe that she deserves all that abuse. Obviously, it is possible to help such woman. However, it is going to take longer because the consequences of consistent abuse are severe. In case you are being abused at the moment, it is necessary to keep in mind the following things. You should not blame yourself for being battered. The cause of the abusive behavior of your husband is

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