It is not that difficult to notice that the media create a lot of stereotypes. Let us begin with the way in which a woman or a girl is portrayed in the media. It is not a secret that models in magazines are usually super skinny girls who have white teeth and perfect hair. The problem is that such image creates the stereotype of how a woman is supposed to look. As a result, young girls tend to follow this example blindly believing that it is the only possible way. Another great example of stereotypes in the media is

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Media and stereotypes essay sample

  It is not that difficult to notice that the media create a lot of stereotypes. Let us begin with the way in which a woman or a girl is portrayed in the media. It is not a secret that models in magazines are usually super skinny girls who have white teeth and perfect hair. The problem is that such image creates the stereotype of how a woman is supposed to look. As a result, young girls tend to follow this example blindly believing that it is the only possible way. Another great example of stereotypes in the media is

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Health effects of fast food essay sample

  Well, it is quite obvious that the first negative effect of fast food is the possibility to gain weight. Obviously, a lot depends on the metabolism of a particular person. However, those people who eat a lot of fast food tend to gain weight quite quickly. Another serious issue to take into consideration is high blood pressure. It is that kind of thing which we cannot observe until we visit a doctor in order to do a checkup. As soon as we do that, we realize that we have high blood pressure even though we do not normally feel

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Gender roles essay sample

  Before starting to work on such issue as gender roles, you need to understand what this notion presupposes. So, the first thing you need to understand is that gender role is the way in which a boy or a girl behaves and acts. These are those aspects which define them as either a girl or a boy. What is important to point out is that these characteristics are shaped by the society. Surely, gender roles vary depending on the country and culture in question. Gender roles are shaped  not only by parents and friends, but also by the media,

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American Dream essay sample

  The American Dream is a unique phenomenon in the history of our society. To begin with, the American Dream is viewed as the national ethos of the United States of America. The first thing that comes to mind when one is mulling over the issue of the American Dream is such thing as the notion of freedom. What is more, it is the opportunity for every person to become successful. To be more specific, a lot of people come to the United States of America with this idea in mind. They realize that almost anything is possible in this

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Feminist theory essay sample

  As you have probably realized from the name, feminist theory presupposes that the status of women in the society is analyzed in order to change the situation for the better. What is necessary to highlight is that the status of men is taken into account as well. To be more specific, those scholars who focus on the research of feminist theory take into account the following aspects: age, sexuality, class, ethnicity and race. Then, they determine how important these aspects are in relation to both men and women in terms of their place in the society. Another idea which

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