What motivates a person to start working? What are their goals? Why do people work in general? Perhaps, these are the most obvious questions to answer when the subject under consideration is work motivation. A lot of people are lucky to study the thing they are interested in at college. As a result, they continue researching this field when they graduate. It is obvious that finding a job for them presupposes following their passion and doing something they are really good at. Apart from that, there are lots of people who decide to change the field of their occupation

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Work motivation essay sample

  What motivates a person to start working? What are their goals? Why do people work in general? Perhaps, these are the most obvious questions to answer when the subject under consideration is work motivation. A lot of people are lucky to study the thing they are interested in at college. As a result, they continue researching this field when they graduate. It is obvious that finding a job for them presupposes following their passion and doing something they are really good at. Apart from that, there are lots of people who decide to change the field of their occupation

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Work-home interaction essay sample

  The issue of work-home interaction is of great importance these days because of the fact that half of the employees are workaholics. Thus, it has its negative impact on their health. The thing is that it has become difficult for the majority of people to leave work at work. What it presupposes is that they continue to check or write emails even when they are at home. What they should do instead is spend more time with their family, enjoy themselves and relax. If the person does not get a lot of rest, they may burn out really quickly.

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Consumer behavior essay sample

  Consumer behavior is one of those aspects which is studied by marketing managers in detail as it helps them understand the way in which a consumer thinks. The better they are at this, the easier it will be for them to sell a particular product. It is important to understand how the consumer makes the decision regarding the exact product which they are going to buy. What is necessary to highlight at this point is that there is a set of factors which are of great importance for a consumer when they decide to purchase something. It is also

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Identity theory essay sample

  To put it simply, identity theory is a combination of views which a person has regarding the relationship of mind and body. It is interesting to dwell upon the social identity theory as the issue is viewed in relation to various social factors. So, social identity is the self-concept of an individual in relation to their membership in a relevant social group. In other words, it is the way an individual sees himself or herself in the social stratum. Due to the fact that such motion as social identity theory has been introduced, the whole issue of social identity

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Crime prevention essay sample

  The reason why it is necessary to have a lot of ideas regarding such issue as crime prevention is obvious. If we are able to prevent crime, our world will definitely be a better place which presupposes that we will not have to solve all these crime problems. However, nowadays it is impossible to imagine the world without crime not because we do not want to but because we simply cannot do it. The number of criminals is huge and it is constantly rising. What is more, new types of crime are developing. To be more specific, cybercrime has

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